SOHO Router Resets & EM Meter Basics


Hello friends! In this video I show how to reset a router by using the reset button and the router reset within the firmware. I also demonstrate how to use an EM meter to measure the output of the antennas. Click to watch the video and scroll down for more information.

This TP-Link AC5400 device performed well for its intended use. A couple of things I noted with this device (hardware v2) include the lack of syslog support, and also, some passwords—such as wireless passphrases—are displayed in clear text when you type them (come on now…). That’s as of firmware version 160310. But otherwise, it works well. Of course, there are always newer routers arriving, as of the writing of this post, the AD7200 is the latest, it incorporates a 60 GHz band.

8/31/2017 Update: I liked this router so much I bought one for home use. The dual 5 GHz radios work out great. Essentially, I use one 5 GHz for the family and household devices (DVRs, NAS, etc…) and reserve the other 5 GHz radio for my own personal devices. Then I use the 2.4 GHz radio for the guest network—any security and monitoring devices are connected to that guest network so that there is an extra layer of security between them and my main wireless devices. I probably wouldn’t go for the 60 GHz version because it only has one 5 GHz radio, and as of this post, not too many devices are using 60 GHz. I really like having those two 5 GHz radios for simultaneous usage among different users. The performance upgrade was worth the cost of the router for me.

See this link for the AC5400 emulator. Great way to practice on the router without having to buy it!

See this link for the Trifield 100XE EMF Meter. I use it fairly often, as an analog meter it meets my requirements for testing EM fields, electric fields, and magnetic fields.